Backpack – semi-finished and zero waste – No. 2/3 – The threedimensional Fold

“The Fold” is, one could say in an exaggerated way, the representation of textile behavior and a widespread “criterion” whether a thing or a process has at least textile features.

“No.2/3 – The threedimensional Fold” is a backpack made of Velcro loop fabric and emphasizes the textile qualities of foldability and formal adaptation to objects. With an unfolded pack area of 1m by 1.5m, a wide variety of formats can be folded in and fixed with reflective Velcro strips. The concept of the backpack questions the given pack formats and complex sewing patterns of other backpacks by being designed exclusively according to the dimensions of textile semi-finished products and with zero waste sewing patterns.

The project “No.2/3 – The threedimensional Fold” is part 2 next to “No.1/3 – The graphical Fold” and “No.3/3 – The virtual Fold” of a project that deals with textile phenomena in certain contexts and in particular with “The Fold”.